Monday, May 18, 2020

mustard :-Brassica Spp Family :-cruciferae,मोहरी

Mustard species 
1. Brassica compestris - Sarson 
2. Brassica napuS - Rapseed 
3. Brassica juncea - Brown mustard (Indian mustard) 
4. Brassica nigra - Black mustard (used for condiment purpose) 
5. Brassica carinata - Ethiopian mustard 
6. Brassica rapa - Toria (most widely spread in world) 
7. Eruca sativa - Taramira 
 Rai - china - 
Toria - East Afghanistan
 Brown sarson- E. Afghanistan
 Chromosome No : Sarson, Toria, Taramira - Rapeseed 2n = 20
 Rai - Mustard - 2n = 36

In india major producer states are Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. India's ranks first in production of Mustard & Rapeseed.

Evolution of Brassica species: 
B. napus = B. compestris x B. oleracia 
B. carinata = B. nigra x B. oleracia 
B. juncia = B. nigra B. compestris 
Brassica crop 0ccupy second position after groundnut

NRCHB-506: It is the first hybrid of mustard in India developed from Directorate of Rape seed and Mustard Research, Bharatpur, Rajasthan in Feb - 2009. Sowing time: October 3rd week to November 1st week
Pusa jai Kisan (Bio-902): Its first variety Brassica juncea developed in the world by Prof. V.L. Chopra, with the help of biotechnology through somatic hybridization in India. AICRP on oilseed was started on - 1967
Seed rate: •Main crop - 4 to 6 kg/ha • Mixed crop - 2 to 3 kg/ha Critical stages: 1. Rosette stage (20-30 DAS) 2. Siliqua formation stage Yield : 20-25 qt/ha Varieties: 1. Toria - Type-9, 36, Sangam, M-27 Brown sarson - BS-70, Pusa kalyani, Sufla, BSH-1 Yellow sarson Benoy, Type-42 Mustard (Rai/Laha) - Kranti, Varuna, Krishna, Pusa bold, Vardan, Rohni Taramira - HRCHB-101: suitable for late sowing, irrigated reas of MP, UP, Rajasthan.

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