Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Wheat hybridization method

Variety of wheat, susceptible to 2, 4-D where spike deformity HD -2009 (Arjun) Absolute weed of wheat is: Chenopodium album Objectionable weed of wheat is: Convolves arvensis Dwarfing agent for wheat crop is : Cycocel Wheat is the first cereals to be cultivated man. Temperature for germination of wheat seed: 20-25 °C. Mutant variety of wheat are Sharbati Sonora, Pusa Lerma.

Sowing Methods
 Sowing is the placing of a specific quantity seed in the soil for germination and growth. Methods are : 
* Broadcasting 
* Dibbling
 Drilling Behind the plough method 
FIRB Method

FIRB Method: New method of sowing is furrow irrigated raised bed system: it gives average to higher yield than other methods.

Black Rust or Steam rust of wheat is caused by : puccinia graminis tritici
Yellow Rust or Stripe Rust of wheat is caused by : p. striiformis

Leaf Rust or Brown Rust of wheat is caused by : P. recondita

The powdery mildew of wheat is associated with fungi Erysiphe graminis sp. tritici

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