Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sunflower:- Helianthus annus

Helianthus annus Word is derived from two words : Helios means "sun" and Annus means "Flower" The head of suflower is called as Capitulai.

-The optimum range of soil pH for this crop is 6.5 to 8.5. 
It thrives best on deep loam soils with good drainage and irrigation facilities 
Seed rate: 5-7.5 kg/ha 
1000 seed weight 43-45g. 
Seed is called "Achene". 
It is thermo- insensitive crop.
 It is mainly grown in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. 
Critical stage of irrigation: - 
Bud initiation (35-40 DAS) > 
Flower opening (55-65 DAS) > 
Seed filling (65-90 DAS)

Auxin activity is more in Apical portion of flower. 
Sunflower is a day crop.
 Sunflower contains 45-50% oil. 
Chaffiness means non filling of seed Sunflower is intercropped with groundnut, Arhar, urd etc. 
It has high seed multiplication ratio (>1:80). Average yield : 18-20 q/hectare.

Sowing time: 
> Kharif : July to 1st week of August 
> Rabi : November 1st to 2nd week Summer : February 2nd week 
> Germination type : Epigeal
 Major Disease: 
Alternaria blight (Alternaria carthami) 
Leaf spot (Cercospora carthami) 
•Powdery mildew (Erysiphe cichoracearum Varieties: 
 Sunrise selection 
E.C. 68413

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