Saturday, May 23, 2020

All about Sugarcane

60-70 tonnes water is required to produce 1 tonne cane.

Ring spot, caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria sacchari 

Top shoot borer of Sugarcane is scientifically known as Scirpophaga nivella. 

Sugarcane rust is caused by puccinia eriathi.

Sugarcane is a C4, intermediate short day plant. STP Technique of planting is used in sugarcane.

The highest dose of fertilizer application in India is observed in sugarcane. 
Furrow method of irrigation is most commonly used

Subsequent irrigation is applied at interval 25-30 days in winter and 10-15 days in summer season. 
Most important critical stage for irrigation is Formative stage

 Most commonly used herbicides are Simazine, Atrazino and Alachlor

 Clements. It was Ist used in sugarcane at Hawai. Higber dose of pitrogen decrease the: Sucrose content

Sugarcane favours warm and humid climate with an annual rainfall between 75-120 cm and temperature of 21-45°C. Best temperature for sugarcane growth is 
28-32 °C

  1. Planting Methods
  2.  Flat bed method 
  3.  Ridge & Furrow 
  4. Trench method 
  5.  Distant planting
  6.  Rayangans method
  7.   Mechanical planting 
  8.  Skip furrow 
  9. Pit method

Tying of sugarcane by using the lower bottom leaves is called propping. 
Sugar recovery from sugarcane is 10-12%

Removal of dried and older leaves in sugarcane is called Detrashing. 
Earthing in sugar cane should be done in: June -July.


Brix meter is used for measuring maturity of sugarcane.
 In sugarcane brix reading for proper maturity should be 16-18%.
 Brix value at 18-20 indicate maturity.

Material used for sowing is known as seed pieces or sets. 
Three budded: 35,000-40,000 setts/ha (which can be obtained from 75-80 qt. of cane).

The best source of nitrogen in normal soil is Ammonium sulphate, in saline soil is urea and in acidic soil is used CAN. Soils which are unsuitable for sugar cane are : Saline soils

.Tying should be done in the month of : August

Furrow method of irrigation is most common method of irrigation in sugar cane. 
Sugacane is also known as most important cash crop.

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