Rural Agricultural Work Experience
Weightages : 20 credits
List of Schedules And Demonstration
RAwE-AGRO-4712: (Any Three Demonstrations and -two Shedule)
1. Recording of weather report and data regularly
Plot-wise history of host farmer including cropping scheme
2. Maintenance of daily operation (Plot wise) carried by the host fatmef tockskrait (Land Development) and summary of cost of cultivation Demonstration/Other activities (Any three)
1. Record of agricultural operation (only for organic and integrated farmin
2. Preparation of weed album
3. Demonstration on weed management
4. Demonstration on line transplanting of rice/paddy/major crops etc.
5. Demonstration on advanced technology in major crops.
6. Demonstration on application of Rhizobiurni Azotobactor/ BGA et
7. Demonstration on application of fertilizers to various crops grown in Ithar,f season
8. Preparation of seed bed for rice nursery/other agronomical crops.
9. Demonstrations on advance crop production technology.
10. Demonstrations on intercultural operations of major crops the. region. RAWE-ASDS-475: (Any Three Demonstrations and Two schedules) Schedule
1. Daily maintenance and monthly feeding expenses of animals
2. Daily /Monthly production and Disposal of animal products and Byproducts and consolidated receipt and Expenditure statement
Demonstration/Other activities (Any three)
1. Demonstration to organize vaccination, campaign for animals at village level with the help of Veterinary Doctor
2. Demonstration of preparation of low cost live-stock feed/ rat:on
3. Demonstration on fodder treatment
4. Demonstration on improved management practices of different animal
RAWE-ENT-475 : (Any Three Demonstrations and Two schedules)
1. a) Regular observations on agronomical., horticultural, forest crops regarding Pest Population and beneficial insect population
b) Crop pest status and damage in field
2. a) information to be collected in the form of questionnaire from the allotted farmer
b) Seasonal pest incidence
c) Integrated pest management practices by the host farmer Demonstration/Other activities (Any three)
1. Collection of neem seed for demonstration of neem seed extract
2. Demonstration on IPDM technology for major crops
3. Organizing crab/rodents control campaign
4. Group discussion on identification of useful and non-useful insects
5. Identification of pests on the crops of host farmers
6. Assessment of damage due to pests and their control measures.
7. Collection of samples of pests of major crops
8. Assessment of economic threshold level of pests
9. Demonstration on safe handling of pesticides/fungicides equipments and their maintenance
10, identification of stored grain pests and demonstration on their control measures
11. Preparation of pests' album and maintenance of insect collection box
12. Demonstration for application of neem extracts spray-5%
13. Demonstration on economical important insects(Silkworm, Honeybee; lac insects)
14 Demonstration on preparation of spray solution and spraying in the field
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