Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Sesame Street sesamum indicum,तीळ

itis regarded as queen of oilseeds . inflorescence is a receme and the fruit is a capsule . Due to the presence of potent antioxidant seeds are known as seeds of immortality . Sesame seeds are known as the oldest oilseed crop in the world . Globulin is theprincipal protein in sesame seed .

Seed rate : 

line sowing - 3-4 kg/ha 
Broadcasting - 5-7 kg/ha
 Varieties: Jawahar Til - 21, 7, Gwalior 5, 35, GT-17, pragati, sawitri, Shekhar
 Critical stages: 1. 4-5 leaf stage (25-30 DAS) 2. Flowering stage
 3. Capsule/Pod formation stage India is the major producer in the world.

AMIT White seeded - less number of flowers branches Black seeded - more number of flowers & branches Sesame crop contains 18-20 per cent protein and 50 per cent oil.

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