Sunday, May 10, 2020

Soyabean Glycie max

Soyabean is also known as wonder crop, yellow jewel, Boneless Meat and Poor man's meat. t contains 40-42 per cent protein and 20-22 per cent oil

Soybean is C3 and short day plant. Inflorescence : Raceme 
Fruit : Pod
 Germination type : Epigeal
 Soybean grow.well in warm and moist climate. 
Plant population: 3-4 lakh plants/ha
Sowing :-Sowing time is 3rd week of June to 1st fortnight of July.

Improved varieties of Soybean yield 30-35 quintals of grain per hectare.
 Depth of sowing: 3-4 cm.
 It provides approximately 60% of vegetable protein & 30% of oil in the World. 
World first rank crop as a source of vegetable oil. 
Well drained and fertile loam soils with a pH between 6.0-7.5 are most suitable for the Soybean. 
Nodule formation starts 2-3 weeks after sowing and nitrogen fixation start 2 weeks after nodule formation up to 6-8 weeks.

Seed rate: 

Yellow seeded - 75-80 kg/h
 Black seeded 50-60 kg/ha 
Critical stages:
 Sprouting stage 
Flowering stage
 Pod filling stage 
Grain development stage


JS-2. Bragg 
ndira Soya-9 Clark
 PK-472 NRC-2
 1024 Shilajit
 Gaurav Hara sona
 Ankur pusa-16

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