Friday, November 13, 2020



Deficiency of soil moisture during crop growth lowers down the yield , for realizing better crop growth and higher yields , the deficiency of soil moisture can be met by applying water to the soil to supply moisture essential for crop growth is called as ' Irrigation ' .

Disadvantage of irrigation: 

Climate becomes damp and cold causing bacterial discases Over irigation with poor drainage in an area where water high leads to water logging condition, which reduces crop yield drastically 1 Excessive scepage from unlined canal leads to water logging of lands adjacent to canals 4 Salt concentration in soil is increased due to continuous irigation and soils become unfit for cultivation.


Soil separate Diameter limits in (mm) 

Coarse sand 2.00 to 0.20 

Fine sand 0.20 to 0.02 

Silt 0.02 to 0.002 

Clay less than 0.002

Micro irrigation system 

Types of micro irrigation system 

1) surface drip

2) subsurface drip 


4) Micro jet 

5)Micro/mini sprinkler 

6) Misting or fogging system 

7) Pulse irrigation 

8)Pop-up sprinkler 

9) Set move irrigation 

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