Sunday, May 31, 2020

Rural Agricultural Work Experience (Rawe)

                               Rural Agricultural Work Experience 

Weightages : 20 credits

List of Schedules And Demonstration
RAwE-AGRO-4712: (Any Three Demonstrations and -two Shedule)
1.  Recording of weather report and data regularly
Plot-wise history of host farmer including cropping scheme
2.  Maintenance of daily operation (Plot wise) carried by the host fatmef tockskrait (Land Development) and summary of cost of cultivation Demonstration/Other activities (Any three)
1.         Record of agricultural operation (only for organic and integrated farmin
2.         Preparation of weed album
3.         Demonstration on weed management
4.         Demonstration on line transplanting of rice/paddy/major crops etc.
5.         Demonstration on advanced technology in major crops.
6.         Demonstration on application of Rhizobiurni Azotobactor/            BGA et
7.         Demonstration on application of fertilizers to various crops grown in Ithar,f season
8.       Preparation of seed bed for rice nursery/other agronomical crops.
9.       Demonstrations on advance crop production technology.
10.   Demonstrations on intercultural operations of major crops the. region. RAWE-ASDS-475: (Any Three Demonstrations and Two schedules) Schedule
1.          Daily maintenance and monthly feeding expenses of animals
2.          Daily /Monthly production and Disposal of animal products and Byproducts and consolidated receipt and Expenditure statement
Demonstration/Other activities (Any three)
1.          Demonstration to organize vaccination, campaign for animals at village level with the help of Veterinary Doctor
2.          Demonstration of preparation of low cost live-stock feed/ rat:on
3.          Demonstration on fodder treatment 
4.   Demonstration on improved management practices of different  animal

RAWE-ENT-475 : (Any Three Demonstrations and Two schedules) 
1.       a) Regular observations on agronomical., horticultural, forest crops regarding Pest Population and beneficial insect population
b) Crop pest status and damage in field
2.       a) information to be collected in the form of questionnaire from the allotted farmer
b) Seasonal pest incidence
c)  Integrated pest management practices by the host farmer Demonstration/Other activities (Any three)
1.      Collection of neem seed for demonstration of neem seed extract
2.      Demonstration on IPDM technology for major crops
3.      Organizing crab/rodents control campaign
4.      Group discussion on identification of useful and non-useful insects 
5.      Identification of pests on the crops of host farmers
6.      Assessment of damage due to pests and their control measures.
7.      Collection of samples of pests of major crops
8.      Assessment of economic threshold level of pests
9.      Demonstration on safe handling of pesticides/fungicides equipments and their maintenance
10, identification of stored grain pests and demonstration on their control measures
11.   Preparation of pests' album and maintenance of insect collection box
12.  Demonstration for application of neem extracts spray-5%
13.   Demonstration on economical important insects(Silkworm, Honeybee; lac  insects)
14 Demonstration on preparation of spray solution and spraying in the field



Nutritional importance: Vegetables are rich source of Vitamins, minerals, proteins &roughages which enrich human health, therefore, the vegetable are called as protective food 

      1) Due to deficiencies of calories and proteins, the children are born under weight or their death rate is more

2)   The xerophthalmia disease is observed in children is due to deficiency of Vitamin 'A'

3)   Due to deficiency of Vitamin 'C', the children become more susceptible to cold and the lips get cracked.

4)   Due to deficiency of Vitamin 'B' Beri-beri disease is caused. The Symptoms observed due to this disease are ulcers of mouth and weakness.

*) Daily requirement of vegetables in balanced diet is about 300 g out of 300 g. , green leafy vegetable, root vegetable & other vegetables should be 1.25 g, 100 g & 75 g., respectively

vegetable garden

vegetable garden

1) Home / Kitchen / Amateur gardening

Daily requirement of fresh vegetables to the family throughout the year is 
the main purpose of kitchen gardening. Varieties of crops are grown on the 
available area according to the season. Where there is less of area can follow the roof/ terrace gardening or vegetables could be grown in pots drums or containers. These can be placed on the terrace or roof.

Kitchen gardening is the means of recreation & exercise.
Helps in lowering down the vegetable bill.
It is an ideal means for training children for knowing the value of labour.t
protects & enriches the environment.
Fresh vegetables could be provided as they are healthy food.
The cost of raising vegetables in kitchen gardening through one's own labour is
a less than what a family spends on vegetable in the market.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

All about Sugarcane

60-70 tonnes water is required to produce 1 tonne cane.

Ring spot, caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria sacchari 

Top shoot borer of Sugarcane is scientifically known as Scirpophaga nivella. 

Sugarcane rust is caused by puccinia eriathi.

Sugarcane is a C4, intermediate short day plant. STP Technique of planting is used in sugarcane.

The highest dose of fertilizer application in India is observed in sugarcane. 
Furrow method of irrigation is most commonly used

Subsequent irrigation is applied at interval 25-30 days in winter and 10-15 days in summer season. 
Most important critical stage for irrigation is Formative stage

 Most commonly used herbicides are Simazine, Atrazino and Alachlor

 Clements. It was Ist used in sugarcane at Hawai. Higber dose of pitrogen decrease the: Sucrose content

Sugarcane favours warm and humid climate with an annual rainfall between 75-120 cm and temperature of 21-45°C. Best temperature for sugarcane growth is 
28-32 °C

  1. Planting Methods
  2.  Flat bed method 
  3.  Ridge & Furrow 
  4. Trench method 
  5.  Distant planting
  6.  Rayangans method
  7.   Mechanical planting 
  8.  Skip furrow 
  9. Pit method

Tying of sugarcane by using the lower bottom leaves is called propping. 
Sugar recovery from sugarcane is 10-12%

Removal of dried and older leaves in sugarcane is called Detrashing. 
Earthing in sugar cane should be done in: June -July.


Brix meter is used for measuring maturity of sugarcane.
 In sugarcane brix reading for proper maturity should be 16-18%.
 Brix value at 18-20 indicate maturity.

Material used for sowing is known as seed pieces or sets. 
Three budded: 35,000-40,000 setts/ha (which can be obtained from 75-80 qt. of cane).

The best source of nitrogen in normal soil is Ammonium sulphate, in saline soil is urea and in acidic soil is used CAN. Soils which are unsuitable for sugar cane are : Saline soils

.Tying should be done in the month of : August

Furrow method of irrigation is most common method of irrigation in sugar cane. 
Sugacane is also known as most important cash crop.

Sunflower:- Helianthus annus

Helianthus annus Word is derived from two words : Helios means "sun" and Annus means "Flower" The head of suflower is called as Capitulai.

-The optimum range of soil pH for this crop is 6.5 to 8.5. 
It thrives best on deep loam soils with good drainage and irrigation facilities 
Seed rate: 5-7.5 kg/ha 
1000 seed weight 43-45g. 
Seed is called "Achene". 
It is thermo- insensitive crop.
 It is mainly grown in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. 
Critical stage of irrigation: - 
Bud initiation (35-40 DAS) > 
Flower opening (55-65 DAS) > 
Seed filling (65-90 DAS)

Auxin activity is more in Apical portion of flower. 
Sunflower is a day crop.
 Sunflower contains 45-50% oil. 
Chaffiness means non filling of seed Sunflower is intercropped with groundnut, Arhar, urd etc. 
It has high seed multiplication ratio (>1:80). Average yield : 18-20 q/hectare.

Sowing time: 
> Kharif : July to 1st week of August 
> Rabi : November 1st to 2nd week Summer : February 2nd week 
> Germination type : Epigeal
 Major Disease: 
Alternaria blight (Alternaria carthami) 
Leaf spot (Cercospora carthami) 
•Powdery mildew (Erysiphe cichoracearum Varieties: 
 Sunrise selection 
E.C. 68413

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Wheat hybridization method

Variety of wheat, susceptible to 2, 4-D where spike deformity HD -2009 (Arjun) Absolute weed of wheat is: Chenopodium album Objectionable weed of wheat is: Convolves arvensis Dwarfing agent for wheat crop is : Cycocel Wheat is the first cereals to be cultivated man. Temperature for germination of wheat seed: 20-25 °C. Mutant variety of wheat are Sharbati Sonora, Pusa Lerma.

Sowing Methods
 Sowing is the placing of a specific quantity seed in the soil for germination and growth. Methods are : 
* Broadcasting 
* Dibbling
 Drilling Behind the plough method 
FIRB Method

FIRB Method: New method of sowing is furrow irrigated raised bed system: it gives average to higher yield than other methods.

Black Rust or Steam rust of wheat is caused by : puccinia graminis tritici
Yellow Rust or Stripe Rust of wheat is caused by : p. striiformis

Leaf Rust or Brown Rust of wheat is caused by : P. recondita

The powdery mildew of wheat is associated with fungi Erysiphe graminis sp. tritici

Monday, May 18, 2020

mustard :-Brassica Spp Family :-cruciferae,मोहरी

Mustard species 
1. Brassica compestris - Sarson 
2. Brassica napuS - Rapseed 
3. Brassica juncea - Brown mustard (Indian mustard) 
4. Brassica nigra - Black mustard (used for condiment purpose) 
5. Brassica carinata - Ethiopian mustard 
6. Brassica rapa - Toria (most widely spread in world) 
7. Eruca sativa - Taramira 
 Rai - china - 
Toria - East Afghanistan
 Brown sarson- E. Afghanistan
 Chromosome No : Sarson, Toria, Taramira - Rapeseed 2n = 20
 Rai - Mustard - 2n = 36

In india major producer states are Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. India's ranks first in production of Mustard & Rapeseed.

Evolution of Brassica species: 
B. napus = B. compestris x B. oleracia 
B. carinata = B. nigra x B. oleracia 
B. juncia = B. nigra B. compestris 
Brassica crop 0ccupy second position after groundnut

NRCHB-506: It is the first hybrid of mustard in India developed from Directorate of Rape seed and Mustard Research, Bharatpur, Rajasthan in Feb - 2009. Sowing time: October 3rd week to November 1st week
Pusa jai Kisan (Bio-902): Its first variety Brassica juncea developed in the world by Prof. V.L. Chopra, with the help of biotechnology through somatic hybridization in India. AICRP on oilseed was started on - 1967
Seed rate: •Main crop - 4 to 6 kg/ha • Mixed crop - 2 to 3 kg/ha Critical stages: 1. Rosette stage (20-30 DAS) 2. Siliqua formation stage Yield : 20-25 qt/ha Varieties: 1. Toria - Type-9, 36, Sangam, M-27 Brown sarson - BS-70, Pusa kalyani, Sufla, BSH-1 Yellow sarson Benoy, Type-42 Mustard (Rai/Laha) - Kranti, Varuna, Krishna, Pusa bold, Vardan, Rohni Taramira - HRCHB-101: suitable for late sowing, irrigated reas of MP, UP, Rajasthan.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Major pest of groundnut is white grub

Tikka/Leaf spot disease is caused by fungus: L. arly leaf spot – Cercospora arachidicol 2. Late leaf spot – Cercospora personata 

Technology Mission on Pulses and Oilseeds (TEMPO) was started in1986. Star weeder is used to control weeds in groundnut fields. Intercultural operations should be avoided during Pegging stage. Resistant varieties against Aflatoxin are CGC-2, 7 and Faizpur. Primary PEANUT Popping in Groundnut: pods without kernels or unfilled grains due to Calcium deficiency. Management of Aflatoxin is storage of kernels at 8 % moisture level.

Aflatoxin: Aflatoxin is produced in groundnut when infected by Aspergillus flavus group of fungi mainly during in storage. Pod growth is affected due to soil compaction 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

SAFFLOWER :- Carthamus

SAFFLOWER CROP IS KNOWN AS FENCING CROP/BORDER CROP. Safflower contains 32-36 per cent oil (used for food), 41 per cent linolic acid and also used for making paint, warnish. 
Fruit of safflower - Achene
 Percentage unsaturated fatty acid -78%. Seed rate : 15-20 kg/ha Yield : 18-20 qt/ha Critical stages: 1. Tillering stage 
2. Flowering stage
 3. Grain filling stage /arieties: HUS-305, N 62-8, NARI-H 15, JSF 99 SSF-658

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Sesame Street sesamum indicum,तीळ

itis regarded as queen of oilseeds . inflorescence is a receme and the fruit is a capsule . Due to the presence of potent antioxidant seeds are known as seeds of immortality . Sesame seeds are known as the oldest oilseed crop in the world . Globulin is theprincipal protein in sesame seed .

Seed rate : 

line sowing - 3-4 kg/ha 
Broadcasting - 5-7 kg/ha
 Varieties: Jawahar Til - 21, 7, Gwalior 5, 35, GT-17, pragati, sawitri, Shekhar
 Critical stages: 1. 4-5 leaf stage (25-30 DAS) 2. Flowering stage
 3. Capsule/Pod formation stage India is the major producer in the world.

AMIT White seeded - less number of flowers branches Black seeded - more number of flowers & branches Sesame crop contains 18-20 per cent protein and 50 per cent oil.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Bee,आग्या मधमाश्या ,सातेरी, घुघुरटी

भारत आणि दक्षिण - पूर्व आशियाई देशांत मधमाश्यांचे जास्तीत जास्त प्रकार आढळतात .  भारतात चार प्रकारच्या मधमाश्या आहेत .

१ ) आग्या मधमाश्या - या मधमाश्या वड - पिंपळासारख्या मोठ मोठ्या झाडांच्या आडव्या फाद्यांवर , उंच कडे कपारीत आपली मेणाची घरे बांधतात . एका झाडावर १० - १५ वसाहतीचा संच नजरेच पडतो . या मधमाश्या भरपूर मध गोळा करतात . 

२ ) सातेरी | सातपुडी - या मधमाश्या झाडांतील बुंध्यातील पोकळीत , दगडांच्या कपारीत , अंधारात मेणाच्या ७ - ८ पोकड्या बांधतात .

 ३ ) फुलोरी / काटेकी नाल आकारच्या झाडांचे आडव्या फाद्यांवर , आग्या मधमाश्या प्रमाणेच एकच परंतु लहान आकाराचे पोवळे बांधतात . 

४ ) घुघुरटी - या मधमाश्या नांगीविरहीत असतात . आकाराने चिलटापेक्षा थोड्या मोठ्या मुठ - दोन मुठ आकाराचे आपले घरटे बांधतात . लाखो वर्षापूर्वी वरील पैकी सातेरी मधमाश्याच्या काही वसाहती भारतातून स्थलांतर करीत - करीत युरोपमध्ये पोहोचल्या . युरोपमधील हवामान आणि पर्यावरण यांचेशी जुळवून घेत तेथे चांगल्या स्थिरावल्या . याच युरोपिय सातेरी मधमाश्या . या युरोपिय सातेरी मधमाश्या , भारतीय सातेरी मधमाश्या पेक्षा आकाराने मोठ्या आणि जास्त मध गोळा करणाऱ्या आहेत .